Dear Reader,
I hope your Valentine’s Day was all you wished for and more. My cat, Sabrina, is doing a little better. A big thanks for all the well wishes from subscribers to my email list. The only thing that got her back on track has been steroid pills. And if you think I don’t have problems giving her pills, think again. Even with the “pill gun,” she is fierce for 15! Now that she’s eating well again, I can grind up the pill so we’re both much happier (and I am safer!).
For my Spanish readers, I have released the first four Beastly Lords in Spanish translation as Lores Malditos. They are Lord Desesperado, Lord Herido, Lord Vil, and Lord Oscuro, with the last two full-length novels and the two novellas to come later this year. You can find the series by clicking the image below.
If you are in Spain, you can more easily find the series by clicking HERE.
If you are in the U.S., you can click HERE.
The Beastly Lords series is also being translated into German. And my Defiant Hearts series of Victorian era books set in America is already in Spanish and will be published this year as Corazones Defiantes. That sounds so pretty!
Now for a Giveaway: The Historical Romance Extravaganza is officially live! Today through Wednesday, February 23, you can enter to win a bundle of historical romances plus a brand new ereader. Click the image to enter. Good luck!!
Lastly, I want to share this magazine with you. My books have been reviewed in it in the past. Their Valentine issue is packed full of romance. Click HERE to read it or click the image below.