Rocky Tales — Christmas Edition

three christmas cards

My mother sent the perfect Christmas card — the camper, the wee doggo, the snow that we are grateful not to have. Thanks, Mom! We love you.

christmas card featuring a camper

We are enjoying the first warm-weather, non-frigid Christmas in memory. We are thankful. We are healthy. Our loved ones are healthy. And now we toast to your health and happiness.

Murray, too, sends you his best regards. He is toasting you with his new favorite, Tillamook ice cream (any flavor will do).

We have the perfect tree, a gift from my sister. It’s a lovely, stiff paper tree with gorgeous birds. And around the campground property, there are native Scarlet Bottlebrush, looking very festive.

Many trailers are festooned with decorations, but they’re not ours so I won’t be all creepy and take photos. Except this one of the moon and our neighbor’s lights.

moon in clouds
Lastly, I cannot end the year without mentioning the passing of our sweet, tuxedo girl, Sabrina, aka Sabby McFlabby. At the age of 16 years old, she developed wretched cancer. My daughter who was caring for her and who picked her out at a shelter when Sabby was only a couple months old and my daughter was ten, had the difficult decision to decide when to help our beloved kitty over the rainbow bridge. I know she is now pain-free and playing with her brothers and sisters (canine and feline).
I only got to say goodbye via video chat, and my brain still thinks she’s waiting back in my house in New England. It’s easier that way than knowing I’ll never bury my nose in her bunny-soft fur again. I’ll see you again some day, sweet Sabby.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, and here’s hoping for a happier new year!

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