Soft Opening

I’ve heard that businesses, especially restaurants, have “soft openings” with little fanfare. I was hoping to do that myself today, but am going instead for the “chocolate pudding opening”–something softer than soft. Why? Because I want to have my site really done before people look at it, the way I wanted my novel to be really perfect before I sent it out so I waited for, oh, fifteen years.

I am trying to figure out the whole social media thing, that from what I can tell, has become a veritable Medusa’s head of time-snatching networking links. I created a MySpace page easily and just left it sitting there, as unsure of itself as I am of what to do with it. Then I installed a Facebook “Like” button on this site, but then realized that I only had a personal profile on FB and no professional page. I just created one here, but realized that my new page is like the large rec hall rented for an unpopular kid’s thirteenth birthday party–cavernously empty.

It dawned on me that I’d never issued a Friend request before that wasn’t suggested to me by the helpful FB fairies, who also offer a helpful button that I just clicked on and had my invite whiz off into space and be accepted. I can’t seem to figure out how to make FB let me invite people by typing in an email address, rather than having to upload a list of email contacts.

Maybe I’ve been working too long on this today. My brain does indeed feel like chocolate pudding.